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→Marshanda Video Seksi lagi Mabok (Broken Heart)
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Fantastic Marshanda on Youtube will be next gossips headline in the view days, in the couple video shoot take at Marshanda rooms, and i think the video recorded with web cam. But now the video has been remove by the uploader with "Marshandaofficials Youtube" id, and has a dozen video that average video shows Marshanda sing a songs.
“Gue tahu loe paling cantik, pinter. Gue approve loe kan sekarang di FB.”In the video clips can be seen Marshanda so peeved, so he vituperate her friends.
“Gw pengen orang ngeliat gw bukan sebagai ‘Marshanda’ si artis, hidupnya bahagia, kaya, kaga pernah susah, etc. Krn itu salah,,, gw Sama Skali ga kaya gitu… hidup gw ada rusak2nya juga… so im sh…”This is the two of Marshanda Youtube Video clips ;